Does the Ag Society need my donation?
Absolutely. Donations of volunteer time and financial support are greatly needed to ensure the on-going goals of the Agricultural Society. Your donation will go a long way towards making those goals a success.

How will my donation be used?
The Spruce Grove & District Agricultural Society conducts a number of events throughout the season. Donations are used to support the facilitation of these events, the development of educational programs for our school tours, as well as upgrading resources to support and improve the museum for tourists. Unless otherwise specified by you, the Society's Board of Directors will choose where your donation will do the best good.

Can I decide which project or event I wish my donation to support? 
Of course, you can. Simply let us know how you would like your donation designated.

  • Donate to the Grain Elevator Museum & Water Tower Maintenance Fund
  • Donate to the General Funds
  • Donate to the Programming Fund
  • Donate to Events Fund

By indicating your preference for your donation, you help us make important decisions about our future direction in terms of projects, events, and programs.

Can I donate items or products instead of cash? 
Yes! You can donate towards our summer events, in-kind, or items for the museum.

Is there a tax receipt? 
Yes. Donations in excess of $20.00 will receive a tax credit receipt.

Can I donate in a currency other than Canada dollars?
Yes. We welcome donations from anywhere in the world and in any currency. 

Frequently Asked Questions